一位贝博体彩app艺术家如何在城市中分享酷儿经历 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
艺术家小谢尔盖·盖伊. 在他众多壁画中的一幅前.
艺术家小谢尔盖·盖伊. 在他众多壁画中的一幅前. 图片来源:James Chiang


这是小谢尔盖·盖伊., 他的作品在贝博体彩app随处可见, 了解他在这个城市最喜欢的东西.


22岁时, 小谢尔盖·盖伊. 来到贝博体彩app参加一个艺术会议. 他在纽约和迈阿密长大,从未去过西海岸. Like many visitors, he was barely off the plane before he decided the city was home. 温和的天气,美丽的景色,还有 艺术社区食物, and the progressive sexual attitudes convinced him that this was the place to spend the rest of his life.

在接下来的十年里,小盖伊. has established himself as one of the city's most important African-American painters and muralists. 今年,他在他爱的城市找到了他爱的人. He married his partner, Michael, at City Hall, further cementing San Francisco as home.

同性恋城市邀请塞尔日参观海湾边的城市, 去了几个他最喜欢的地方, 有几幅展示了他自己的壁画. 从艺术攻击画廊开始 卡斯特罗, 我们穿过了一系列令人惊叹的景点, 从卡斯楚的双峰酒廊到摩洛哥餐厅 任务, 波尔克街巷子里的壁画, finishing up the day by enjoying an Old Fashioned at a swanky lounge and restaurant in 北海滩.

下面是谢尔盖对当天的叙述, 用第一人称讲述, 对这个城市的评论, 他的艺术, 他的生活.


走在市场街上 卡斯特罗 有一天,我注意到这个美丽的空间艺术攻击,所以我发送了我的作品样本. 这是我的地盘,这里有更多的本地消息. 当我靠近 联合广场在美国,更多的是游客而不是当地人. 那很好,但我要讲的故事更倾向于 奇怪的经历 in the city, so the location fits me as a person and artist living in the neighborhood."

"I'm trying to showcase the people and the causes that are underrepresented in art. 作为一名黑人同性恋艺术家,我在传达黑人同性恋经历的美好. 我想照亮那些被放逐的人, whether it's women who are denigrated or immigrants cast aside; things close to me and my life, 那些往往不为人知的事情. These are the subjects that are dear to my heart and more than just a pretty picture."

“当我搬到贝博体彩app的时候, I found my home among other outcasts and misfits who had come together to carve out a space to be themselves. 我隐约知道自己的身份,但我不知道自己是谁. I remember thinking, “This is where I can finally feel free to be myself, where I belong.” This is a city based on an idea: what would it be like if everyone could just be themselves?"

“当时, 我在底特律的艺术学校上学, 我差点在洛杉矶或纽约找份工作. I flew out here for an art conference, knowing nothing of the place but what I'd read. 我对它一见钟情. 迈阿密将永远是我影响力的重要组成部分, having grown up in a family from Haiti and with a lot of people from the Caribbean. 但不知何故,它从来没有像贝博体彩app那样具有开创性. Here, we mix not just racial identity but gender and sexuality as well for a really rich combination. This was the inclusive community where I could learn to love myself for who I am and befriend the people who would help me find my true voice."

“直到2007年我遇到迈克尔,我才完全弄清楚自己的性取向. 我知道我与众不同, but I felt I couldn't be sure until I fell in love with someone for the first time, 我不知道我会爱上谁. 迈克尔就是我想要的那种人. My mom had asked me before I met him if I was gay – she kind of suspected I was – and I just replied, “妈妈, 我都不知道.” Then I called and told her I was bringing home Michael, and she was like, “Oh, okay.“她在等我对自己感到满意. 我一直在等着弄明白."

艺术家小谢尔盖·盖伊. 参观卡斯特罗社区.
艺术家小谢尔盖·盖伊. 参观卡斯特罗社区. 图片来源:James Chiang

当我搬到贝博体彩app时, I found my home among other outcasts and misfits who had come together to carve out a space to be themselves.


“作为一名艺术家谋生是一场不断的斗争. 有那么多的起起落落. 我不得不同时处理多个项目, 从平面设计到画廊展览再到壁画, 事件, 甚至是电影和音乐录影带, 勉强度日. 很多, but these are the things I have to do to pay the bills so I can spend time on the thing I love most: painting."

"掉进兔子洞 真的不想成为一个有恋物癖清单的男人的玩具吗, 而是要被视为一个有需求、喜欢自己的人. 所以我想到了在双峰酒吧喝酒时画自己的想法, 而赞助人看着我,把我物化了, 我独自坐着. As a community, we are still so young, still evolving, still finding our way in the world. We are developing our moral standards along the way, and sometimes we still harm or hurt each other. The painting is saying that this is something we are still figuring out but we are not there quite yet."

“双峰酒廊对我来说意义非凡. 它有这么多的历史, being one of the first gay bars in the city with windows that open onto the street for all to see. 你可以坐在休息室里, drink and relax and not have to deal with the standing-room-only hustle and bustle of other bars. It's my spot to get a hot toddy when it's cold outside, and my pit stop on my way out at night. 我喜欢它闻起来像隔壁热饼干面包店的饼干."

As a community, we are still so young, still evolving, still finding our way in the world.


“我第一次真正注意到卡斯特罗剧院的美丽是在 牛奶 我刚搬到这个城市的时候在那里拍的电影. 我很快就发现了框架线电影节. I started volunteering so I could get into the theater and enjoy a great movie in the midst of Art Deco heaven, 免费."

"Marcello's Pizza right across the street is a great place to refuel before a movie or as you make the rounds of the 卡斯特罗 bars. 卖披萨片的地方已经不多了, and the staff there are so friendly and the quality of pizza is so consistently good. 你总是会碰到附近的人. It's easy to underestimate how important it is to get some delicious fuel when you are running around the city."

请注意: The 卡斯特罗剧院 will be undergoing major renovations in 2024 and event programming may be limited.


我的朋友瓦利德和他的合伙人创造了 Khamsa这是一家很棒的摩洛哥餐厅,位于南凡内斯大道. 他让我为新空间画一幅壁画,我无法拒绝. They were nice enough to let my husband and I take it over on our wedding night after we got married at City Hall, 不远."

“这个地方只是这座城市多么神奇的另一个例子. 业主, 我的朋友们, introduced me to this whole underground East African and Middle Eastern gay party scene. It just blows my mind that these guys find a way to connect with each other here in a way they could not almost anywhere else in the world; this whole flourishing community of people who were not accepted back home but feel loved in San Francisco. 现在他们邀请我分享他们的食物, 他们的社区, 并在壁画中创造一些强调分享的东西. 我怎么能拒绝呢?"

艺术家小谢尔盖·盖伊. 在教会餐厅Khamsa,他的作品在那里展出.
艺术家小谢尔盖·盖伊. 在教会餐厅Khamsa,他的作品在那里展出. 图片来源:James Chiang


“当我2008年搬到这里的时候, 我开始去QBar的"约炮, 当时最酷的派对是哪个. 我没有任何朋友, 但我就是在这里认识布兰登的, 胡安妮塔的一个手下在后面经营她的照相亭. 我只是着迷于 胡安妮塔 以及《贝博体彩》每周吸引的所有角色. So I showed 胡安妮塔 a drawing I did of some of these people I met at her parties and she asked me to do the Booty Call t-shirt, 这种产品后来被大量生产. 几年后,她想为 骄傲 2017. I got the assignment for the exterior wall of Lush Lounge on an alley in the Tenderloin. 她想把同性恋艺术带回田德隆区, 她住在哪里,并强烈要求保存 波尔克街的同性恋历史."


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