

你在寻找一种体现经典贝博体彩app的用餐体验吗? 嗯,只要看看塔迪奇烧烤店就知道了,它是这座城市最古老的餐厅.

The Tadich Grill has the honor of being the oldest restaurant in San Francisco; but what's more, it is the oldest restaurant in the entire state of California. The seed was planted for the restaurant back in 1849, when three immigrants from Croatia— Nikola Budrovich, 弗兰诺·科斯塔和安东尼奥·加斯帕里奇在长码头搭起帐篷,向水手和商人出售咖啡和烤鱼.

In 1871, 16岁的约翰·塔迪奇(John Tadich)从克罗地亚亚得里亚海沿岸达尔马提亚的家中来到贝博体彩app. 原来的咖啡帐篷已经建立了一个永久的商店,塔迪奇被雇为调酒师. In 1877, the establishment moved to 221 Leidesdorff St. (named for African-American businessman William A. Leidesdorff). Tadich went along and, ultimately, bought the business.

To the great dismay of Tadich, the 1906 earthquake and fire destroyed the premises, leading him to join forces with fellow immigrant John Sutich. Eventually, the restaurant found its permanent home on California Street, where it remains to this day.

就像贝博体彩app本身一样,塔迪奇烧烤店多年来经历了很多风雨. 从禁酒令到二战期间的食物短缺,再到1989年的地震, Tadich has kept its doors open, and grateful customers keep coming back.

The Tadich Grill in the 21st Century

今天,塔迪奇烧烤仍然忠于其世纪之交的根源. Keeping the traditions of Old San Francisco alive, the focus is on top-quality ingredients and good service.

塔迪奇烧烤店的气氛和以前一样. 在装饰艺术风格的餐厅里,游客们仍然会看到穿着白色夹克的服务员端着丰盛的新鲜食物.

塔迪奇烧烤不接受预订,所以期待在高峰时间等待. Despite this, 用餐者似乎没有抱怨,许多顾客都满足于在吧台坐下,在那里用餐,作为一种选择. 毕竟,你有多少机会享受到一顿有几个世纪历史的订餐?

Popular Menu Items

It's hard to go wrong when ordering any dish at the Tadich Grill. You won't find anything exotic here; just good old-fashioned seafood and steaks. 100多年来,这些优雅的菜肴一直让人赏心悦目, and the restaurant isn't planning on changing that now.

有些菜单项是一致的,但选择根据您访问的时间而有所不同. 每天早上,厨师都会与海鲜供应商协商,以确定当天的菜单. Only the freshest catch will do for diners at Tadich.

如果你想尝试一下所有的东西,可以选择广受欢迎的塔迪奇拼盘. 这种令人惊叹的安排以海鲜自助餐为特色,包括鲑鱼,鳟鱼,凤尾鱼, oysters, calamari and crab legs. It serves two people!

On the lighter side, the Cosmopolitan salad is sure to please. 它包括邓杰内斯蟹和冰鲜对虾,上面放着混合的绿色蔬菜, complete with tomato and avocado.

A favorite dessert is the Tadich Grill's rice custard pudding. 这道美味的食谱一个世纪以来都没有变过,是贝博体彩app真正的瑰宝. 你还可以从塔迪奇烧烤店带一份纪念品回家:他们的招牌血腥玛丽混合饮料是瓶装的,可以买到.

Getting to the Grill

Finding the Tadich Grill is easy; just follow the glow of the antique neon sign. Seriously, though; located in the heart of the Financial District, this hotspot is simple to get to. 这家餐厅距离Embarcadero BART和Muni站只有几个街区, serving all BART lines and all Muni lines.

If you prefer to arrive in classic style, 乘坐缆车前往加州街和前街的拐角处. You will arrive literally steps from the front door.

Nearby Attractions

The Embarcadero has so much to offer visitors. 用餐后,漫步到3号码头,欣赏海湾美景. Even better: get your sea legs aboard a harbor cruise. Hornblower Cruises and Events has boats departing from Pier 3 several times daily. If you want to make a night of it, consider booking a cocktail cruise, 你和你的朋友们可以在这个漂浮的舞池里跳舞吗.

If you saved room for dessert, the Ghirardelli Ice Cream and Chocolate Shop is also nearby on Montgomery Street. Indulge in the world-famous hot fudge sundaes, widely touted as the best ice cream treats in San Francisco.

Also in the area is the San Francisco Railway Museum. 这个小博物馆充满了历史,是家庭旅游的好去处. The highlight is a fully restored vintage streetcar.

附近有一切可以做的事情,很容易让你的一天旅行到塔迪奇烧烤. 早点到吃晚餐,然后在历史街区漫步. 或者,如果你喜欢的话,可以在海鲜午餐上逗留一段时间,避开夜间高峰. 无论你什么时候来,塔迪奇烧烤是一个贝博体彩app的宝藏不容错过.